
“They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…” Revelation 12:11 (NIV)

Even today, Jesus is still on trial!

We are His witnesses and it is our testimony that is spoken in His defense. The very fact that Jesus lives inside your heart should be evident by the way you live your lives and your testimony should declare who God is and what He has done in your life.

When we share our testimony with others, it not only builds our faith it strengthens the faith of those who hear about what God has done in your life.

A good title for my life would be, “Here and Back Again” because my journey has taken me to some of the highest mountain tops, but it has also landed me in some of the deepest dark pits you can imagine.

Regardless of where I found myself, there was one constant: God was with me. It didn’t matter if I was running away from God as fast as I could; He was still with me.christ-loves-us-at-our-darkest He was with me at my best and He was with me at my worst and His love for me never failed.

When you don’t share what God has done in your life, it can be very easy to forget all He has done and once you forget all He has done, you quickly began to doubt anything He might want to do in your future.

Each of us has an amazing testimony to share. Even a Christian, who just got saved one second ago can testify they are now saved, redeemed and that all their sins are now forgiven.

To know Christ is the ultimate prize and sharing that with other people is written into our base code, but a virus has penetrated our programming that makes us embarrassed of where God has brought us from or it makes us self-conscience sharing with others what God has done or is doing in our lives.

We deny God the glory and honor he richly deserves when we hide what He has done in and through us. It’s okay to feel timid about revealing something from your past and I’m not saying pull all of the skeletons out of your closet, but if you are transparent about what God has brought you through, He will use you to help other people either avoid the same mistakes or He will use you to help them through them.

In my own life, God has miraculously healed me, He has saved me from certain death on multiple occasions and I have witnessed Him do things in my life which can’t be explained, quantified, or rationalized. He has dragged me out of pits meant to destroy me and my destiny and for me to do anything but tell of His goodness and mercy would be in direct contradiction to how much God means to me.
One final note about sharing your testimony with others: Don’t force feed it to someone and don’t throw up your life story on them either! I remember a quote I heard years ago and it is so true, “People are basically garbage trucks driving around looking for someone to dump their garbage on.”

We shouldn’t have to force the gospel or our testimony on anyone. The moment you try to force someone to do or believe something, their natural response is to push back and resist. Micah 6-8However, if you act justly, love mercifully and walk humbly the Lord will be evident in your life and others will want to hear your story. It’s the difference between talking the talk and walking the walk.

Winning souls for the kingdom is not a game and if we truly care about people and fulfilling the Great Commission and the Great Commandment we will begin to look for ways in which God can use us to spread His word and our testimony.

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